Chicago, IL USA
Lagos, Nigeria

Ile-Bintin Club

Responsive Web Design, Web Hosting, Corporate Identity


AboutThe Client

The Ile Bintin Club is a club of friends who have come together via an understanding of mutually shared values of integrity, decency, intellectualism and affinity for culture. These shared values have sustained Ile-Bintin over the years and are essentially the main attraction. The Club cares deeply about its members’ well-being and progress.

The Ile Bintin Club is a pressure group for advocacy on the most pertinent issues of the day, particularly where it concerns education, governance and leadership. Where necessary, we invite experts on various topics to educate our members and help advance our interests. Our members are also members of several other clubs and associations in Nigeria, particularly in Lagos, where they constitute strong caucuses for propagating the Club’s positions and values.

On the social front, Ile Bintin, is well known amongst all the important dignitaries across Nigeria and enjoys invitations to the foremost events all over the country. However, Ile Bintin carefully decides on events that it encourages members to attend. Our members cut across several professional disciplines and are diverse in age. Ile Bintin can also boast of several important dignitaries holding key leadership positions in Government and the in private sector. Our spi rit of conviviality ensures fellowship, fun, networking and pageantry for members, as well as guests.

Project Date: 2015
Location: Lagos